Breane Morris is a Forensic Science major at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. She enjoys binge-watching TV shows in her free time. She is excited to be traveling to a new place this summer and can't wait to take as many awkward photos as possible during her adventure! We tracked Breane down to ask her about taking part in the UNL Mummy Studies Field School this summer.
I heard about the program from Dr. Reinhard while taking his Taphonomy and Pollen Analysis classes at the University of Nebraska - Lincoln. I immediately knew it sounded like something I wanted to do.
What made you interested in our program?
The program sounded interesting because it would allow me the opportunity to travel abroad while examining historic mummies, which is super cool!
What are you most looking forward to about our program?
I'm most looking forward to experiencing a new country and culture.
What are you most worried/anxious about your upcoming adventure in Sicily?
I'm most worried about losing my luggage on the way there.
What are your goals after you finish your undergraduate degree?
After I finish my undergraduate degree I plan on finding a job relating to forensic science or a similar field. But anything can happen!
Is this your first time out of the country?
This is my first time out of the country.
Do you know any Italian words or phrases yet?
I've started using the DuoLingo app to try and learn some Italian, but I still have a long way to go.
Who is your favorite mummy?
I don't have a favorite mummy...yet. Maybe I could find one on this trip :)