Sunday, April 16, 2017

Student Spotlight: Meet Emily!

Emily Hintz is a Forensic Science major at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. She has expressed that she is super excited for this trip! We tracked Emily down to ask her about taking part in the UNL Mummy Studies Field School this summer.

Hey, Emily! How did you hear about our program?
In class and on the study abroad page.

What made you interested in our program?
Traveling to someplace new and learning more about mummies.

What are you most looking forward to about our program?
To learn and experience something new.

What are you most worried/anxious about your upcoming adventure in Sicily?
Amount of studying for this trip and studies.

What are your goals after you finish your undergraduate degree?
Hopefully get a job. :)

Is this your first time out of the country?
Nope, I have been to South America (Peru) and Mexico (Cabo San Lucas and Puerto Vallarta).

Do you know any Italian words or phrases yet?
Nope, but hopefully I will learn some.

Who is your favorite mummy?
I don’t know many mummies.