Hey, Ruth! How did you hear about our program?
I heard about the program when Dr. Reinhard came to one of my classes and talked about the course. As soon as I could, I signed up for the field school. What made you interested in our program?
I have always had a fascination for mummies, ever since I was little. I have read books and watched documentaries about them.
What are you most looking forward to about our program?
I look forward to looking at the mummies, of course, but I also look forward to eating Italian food! I plan on eating pizza or pasta a least once or twice a day if I can.
What are you most worried/anxious about your upcoming adventure in Sicily?
I am not too worried about the trip. I just hope that I don't lose my passport, luggage, get pick-pocketed...or have my plane crash in the Atlantic.
What are your goals after you finish your undergraduate degree?
I hope to continue on to graduate school at UNL in the Anthropology department to pursue a Masters degree.
Is this your first time out of the country?
This is not my first time out of the country. I have also been to Tijuana, Mexico, Vancouver Island, Canada, Rome, Italy, Durban, South Africa, and Auckland, New Zealand.
Do you know any Italian words or phrases yet?
Even though I have been to Italy before, I did not learn a lot of Italian. I only know the words "Ciao" (Hello) and "Scusami" (Excuse me).
Who is your favorite mummy?
My favorite mummy is the Lady of Dai, a Chinese mummy. She was a women of wealth and was buried with lots of food, valuable plates, and other eating utensils. When I die, I hope to be buried with lots of food just like her so that I can eat my way to the afterlife.