Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Student Spotlight: Rerouting Ruth!

Ruth Grady is an Anthropology major at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. She has long been a lover of mummies, though not a huge fan of mushrooms (which we won't hold against her too much). She has been volunteering in Dr. Reinhard's Pathoecology Laboratory at UNL since the fall of 2015 and has been working with material from La Cueva de los Muertos Chiquitos...but that's a story for another time. Ruth is excited to be rerouting to Italy this summer to begin looking at the exciting mummies that call Sicily home. We tracked Ruth down to ask her about taking part in the UNL Mummy Studies Field School this summer.

Hey, Ruth! How did you hear about our program?
I heard about the program when Dr. Reinhard came to one of my classes and talked about the course. As soon as I could, I signed up for the field school. 

What made you interested in our program?
I have always had a fascination for mummies, ever since I was little. I have read books and watched documentaries about them. 

What are you most looking forward to about our program?
I look forward to looking at the mummies, of course, but I also look forward to eating Italian food! I plan on eating pizza or pasta a least once or twice a day if I can. 

What are you most worried/anxious about your upcoming adventure in Sicily?
I am not too worried about the trip. I just hope that I don't lose my passport, luggage, get pick-pocketed...or have my plane crash in the Atlantic. 

What are your goals after you finish your undergraduate degree?
I hope to continue on to graduate school at UNL in the Anthropology department to pursue a Masters degree. 

Is this your first time out of the country?
This is not my first time out of the country. I have also been to Tijuana, Mexico, Vancouver Island, Canada, Rome, Italy, Durban, South Africa, and Auckland, New Zealand. 

Do you know any Italian words or phrases yet?
Even though I have been to Italy before, I did not learn a lot of Italian. I only know the words "Ciao" (Hello) and "Scusami" (Excuse me). 

Who is your favorite mummy?
My favorite mummy is the Lady of Dai, a Chinese mummy. She was a women of wealth and was buried with lots of food, valuable plates, and other eating utensils. When I die, I hope to be buried with lots of food just like her so that I can eat my way to the afterlife.