Monday, May 30, 2016

Student Spotlight: Say Hello to Sam!

Samantha Hayek is a Forensic Science major at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. She loves spending time outdoors, but when she's inside, you may catch her baking yummy treats or binge-watching Netflix. Sam will be graduating after her return from Sicily this summer! We tracked Sam down to ask her about taking part in the UNL Mummy Studies Field School this summer.

Hey, Sam! How did you hear about our program?
I heard about this program while I was taking Dr. Reinhard's Taphonomy class last fall. As soon as he went through the tentative plans for the field school, I knew it was something that I had to attend!! 

What made you interested in our program?
What doesn't sound interesting about traveling to another country to learn and look at mummies?! The whole idea of this field school is something that really grasped my interest. The process and cultural reasons behind mummification have always interested me and this was a way to learn more about it hands on and actually see first hand some of these things! This trip is giving me and all the other students an extremely rare opportunity to truly learn from some of the best in this field while getting up close and personal with some Italian mummies! 

What are you most looking forward to about our program?
I think I'm most excited about getting to see the mummies, crypts, and catacombs! I'm also excited to travel to another country because I haven't had the opportunity to travel outside of the United States yet. I'm also looking forward to being immersed in another culture. Not only will we get to see different parts of Sicily but we will be staying in a small village that isn't the biggest "touristy" spot, so it will be fun to see how the culture is different on its own but also from the other more common touristy parts of the country! And of course with a new culture comes new food which I'm excited to try! :)

What are you most worried/anxious about your upcoming adventure in Sicily?
I would have to say I'm most worried or anxious about the travel over there. First off, I've never been on a flight much longer than 2.5-3 hours and I've only flown once alone, so it will be an experience with the long flights and navigating the crazy airports alone! I'm also a little nervous about going through customs in each country since that will be a totally new experience to me as well! 

What are your goals after you finish your undergraduate degree?
With a degree such as Forensic Science there are a TON of directions I can go with it and I'm not exactly sure what will be my first step! There are a few career paths I've been leaning towards such as finding a career in a Crime Laboratory or going to graduate school, but I still haven't fully decided on what exactly. Maybe this trip will give me some insight into something I'd like to pursue a little more! 

Is this your first time out of the country?
Yes, it is!

Do you know any Italian words or phrases yet?
I wish I did but I don't. That'll be something I will have to work on between now and the time we leave!:)

Who is your favorite mummy?
I don't have a favorite mummy at the moment...but that will probably change by the end of the summer! 

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